Believing In The Rock

Matthew 5:8

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” 


Papa, I’m so thankful for how great You are. I feel such a deep love inviting me in. I’m so thankful, and so very thankful.. You are my Rock on which I stand. There is none Greater than You! I praise You Papa with all my heart. I am Your daughter and I can do all things because You are my strength!

I love you My daughter. There is nothing you can’t do through Me. Rest.

Papa, I’m so excited about standing on, receiving and believing in the Rock… I am Your bride; I’m running towards You and Your plans for me as I eagerly prepare my message. I’m following You now as closely as I can, like a shadow. If I miss something, please help me be aware of it. 

Come, My daughter. I’ve prepared a table before you. Come, dine and eat. I delight in you.

Papa, I’m reminded of Psalm 23:5,6, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” 

I love you My daughter -all is well with you.


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

This morning when I awoke I had these lyrics in my mind, “I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid, tell every giant, get out of my way.” In my dream last night I was with my Youth group; they were inside a building waiting for me, and I was outside, running to go and get a knife that was laying on the ground on a path that Jesus my husband wanted me to get and bring back to him. It was dark outside but still light enough to see where I was going. I needed to run along a path that ran between the woods. In the first part of the path it was wider and more people around, but as the path turned to the right it narrowed down with less people -I didn’t see anyone else there. Then I had turned around and had almost ran back to the building where everyone else was; I was a bit afraid of the dark and I wanted Lucas to come with me. Then I changed my mind and thought I’d quickly go by myself and get it. As I ran I noticed it had gotten even darker where I could barely see in front of me, so I became determined and ran faster than I did before, as fast as I could. 

Then I was at my destination which was an old barn. I had walked through the barn and went up the stairs. One side of the upstairs had a room,so I had opened the door and gotten the knife that was laying on the floor among some other stuff. I saw the knife; it had jagged edges and was purposely bent over forward about 3/4 ways from the tip, so it looked like it had a peak or an upside down check-mark. I saw the smooth edge on one side and the jagged edge on the other. Then I had walked out of the room into the main area of the upstairs, and I saw a man, looking at me, wondering why I did what I did. Then I learned that that room was his bedroom and that I had gone into his personal space. I was really sorry because I didn’t know. Then I began telling him that I grew up in town (I had a feeling like this was my hometown), and that I had gone to the barn many times as I was growing up. As I was talking, we could read each-other by looking at each other’s face. I saw that he could see that I was genuine. I saw in his face that he went from not knowing who I was to knowing that he could trust me and that I was a safe and trustworthy person, and that I hadn’t gone into his room to steal anything. I’m not sure if I put the knife back.. I had a feeling like I did but I’m not sure; I knew though that it was his. Then the man walked by me and I vaguely saw his wife; she had hidden behind him and was following him as closely as she could. She was only half visible, outlined in white like she was a spirit. I didn’t see her face because she had bent her head down by her husbands shoulders as he walked by. This barn was their barn now, and I began noticing the changes, the renovations. 

Then my actual husband was there, talking with someone, the same person I think. As he was talking I saw a flat black rectangle thing about the size of the palm of someone’s hand. It was dangling just below his mouth, hanging from a thread (about two inches long) that was connected to the inside of his mouth. I interrupted what he was saying to tell him that, and then he looked at me annoyed, pulled it off to show me that he knew it was there; he had fastened it there with velcro. Then because I had interrupted him, he lost his train of thought and didn’t want to continue the conversation. Then I took a deep breath, wanting to say something too, about that I had grown up there, but then because he was frustrated at being interrupted, he walked away. Then I was standing with the other person and there was a moment of silence before walking away from that spot.

Then there was a scene where I was still upstairs and I noticed all the renovations in detail; I saw that the walls had been redone and painted white, and there were things all over the place that people could buy. I was standing beside the wall and I could see there was a ledge going around the wall that was almost shoulder height and about a foot wide. I saw a stool close by that I could use to go onto the ledge but I was too tired to get it. I vaguely saw some people were walking on the ledge. I was completely in awe at the changes. Then the scene changed where I was standing on the main floor, in awe of everything I saw there. There were really big windows all around, and I could see the bright sunny day outside and the busy city streets. The old barn had become new, and it was now a store (I think), the kind of store where many people were attracted to because of all the special things they could buy there. The store was really busy and had groups of people come. They all looked really glad to be there. I had taken out my phone and was taking photos or a video I’m not sure. But at first the photo wasn’t focused, and then it came into focus. I was aware of all the groups of people and children; I didn’t want to take photos of the children just to be safe. There was a scene when I was upstairs that I wanted to take a photo, and I was on a balcony looking through the camera on my phone.  I panned to the left because I wanted to get the door that was down on the main floor in my shot. When I saw the door, I felt nostalgic; the plain door had been renovated. Instead of it being a plain door with walls around it, I saw deep, rich brown wood two or three feet that surrounded it, and above the door was a beautiful artistic design that curved up a bit. The whole door area reminds me of the rich brown wooden wardrobe in, “The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.” While I was upstairs, I also saw a beautiful archway that was covered with red flowers.. it was among other things that was being stored. The barn reminds me of the barn that has been renovated near my town, Whitetail Meadow. It used to be an old red barn that was home to hundreds of pigeons. I remember seeing it every time we passed it as I was growing up. It’s now an event venue and is very popular for weddings.. I think it’s a wonderful place for weddings. In my dream it felt like it was that barn that I ran to. The knife I needed to run and get ended up being in the couple’s bedroom, which turned out to be in the newly renovated barn. I don’t know what the knife represents. Changing the subject, almost right after I chose the other one, I wished I had chosen the photo of the rolled up paper towel.. but I didn’t want to interrupt. Today I finished my last verse, finished the book of John and I’m sad about it. I don’t really want to start over again because I’ve gone through it so many times, but I will unless I sense a different direction from the Lord. We watched “The Force Awakens” a few nights ago and will be watching the one that comes after that, this week. I love the snowflakes, reminds me of Nanny Mcphee and the wedding scene. I’m going to the 5AM class tomorrow -strict press, then 21,15,9 hand-stand push ups (mod), toes to bar (mod), row calories. Blessings…