Going Home.…

Philippians 4:13

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”


Papa, I love You. I worship You. Please fill me more.

I am near to you My daughter. Don’t be afraid.

Papa, I know You’re referring to AI, that I shouldn’t be afraid of it. I don’t even know a lot about it but what I do know, scares me. 

My daughter fear not, for I am always with you. 

Thank-you. I’m so glad Papa that You are a Good God and that You have a plan for my life and for everyone’s life. I pray that You would call and draw many people to You and that You would lead them into their purpose. 

Caroline My faithful one, rest, you are Mine. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

This is my 500th post, woohoo!!! Last night I was barely asleep when the Lord gave me a quick dream; I was standing and I saw Bella walk in front of me from the left. She was only a few feet in front of me and I saw her right side and kind of her back when she spread out her arms and began to trust-fall. I saw she was very joyful, and I also saw one of her eyes, the side that was facing me; in my dream she had the most beautiful bright blue (what I call Friday blue eyes) eyes, shining. I saw one of her eyes (right side) as she was trust-falling. I believe this has something to do with the message I recorded yesterday, and yes, I want to step up and lead (I can see myself doing that and really enjoying it), but I don’t know how to get there.., and also that I’m Joyfully trust-falling with Jesus my husband… Yes please come, please come closer and fill me Holy Spirit! I feel very much like Jesus my husband is my husband. Then this morning at 6:55 (my alarm was for 7:00) I woke up because I heard these words in my heart, “The will of God for me.” I heard them when I woke up but then I kind of dosed off again for a few minutes, then woke up with a start, thinking I’d forgotten the words. So my prayer is that these words are exactly the words I heard. After I wrote them down I was so tired that I fell back asleep. 

Then I woke up at 7:33 because I had heard these words, “Do it this way.” I’m a bit uncertain with how I put my message together (I know there’s so much room for improvement), so maybe I’m going to learn or get advice about that? I wish I had said things a bit different when I talked about getting on the ladder. It sounded like we need to spend time with God first and learn to hear his voice before we can go onto the ladder, but it’s not like that; the moment a person decides to spend time with God everyday and build a relationship is when we step onto the ladder, and learning to hear God’s voice is part of the whole going up the ladder. I’ve been on the ladder for many years and I still am learning to hear his voice. The idea about getting out of the pit with climbing the ladder was God’s idea; I was talking about the pit because of Joseph’s story, and I was writing about climbing the ladder, but when I actually got to recording, God gave me a picture of a ladder leaning up against the wall, inside the pit. I had planned to talk about this, that the cistern is dry because we’re in a “pit” in the first place. If a cistern is full of water, we wouldn’t be in it because we’d be filled with the Holy Spirit. I just wanted to say that instead of running away from Jesus to see how long he’d last,  he’s already proven himself and I’ve already let myself be caught/won over.. now I’m running to him as fast as I can… (do the tasks he’s asked me to do and grow as close to him and to Jesus as I can). 

Two nights ago I went to bed around 12:00 midnight and I woke up at 12:30AM because I heard these words in my heart, and they were words that I was saying to myself, “I’m not supposed to see any of the winter.” It was like I had heard someone say something to me in my dream, and afterward I said it in my own way to help me understand what had been said. In my dream it felt like it was the winter season I wasn’t supposed to experience like I could have a break from it by going to a family home for the winter. But in my dream I was standing with Jesus my husband and we were going to leave for our honeymoon, feeling like it would be almost right away and we were getting ready for it.

I also dreamt two nights ago that I was walking/following someone in a garage. There was a vehicle parked inside and the garage was filled with water that came up about to my shoulders. I saw all the water around the vehicle, which was about 3/4 way submerged. As we were walking, I couldn’t feel any resistance that walking in water would normally give. We were walking towards an area that reminds me of the fenced in area at my church. In my heart I’m parked at church (my calling); it became more clear to me this week that the Lord/ Jesus is leading me to take charge of the speaking part of it. I love this idea and I would have so much fun with that, even though I would struggle at first because it’s something that I’m learning to do, but it’s something I would absolutely love to do. I just don’t know how to get there other than keep doing what I’m doing, putting messages together. But I’m feeling like I’m taking more charge of things and I can feel it in my heart, an excitement as I’m writing about it. 

Then I dreamt that someone had their hands on me, standing behind me and had their hands on my neck/shoulders, praying for me. I saw a picture while they were praying; it’s vague but I saw long skin like an arm, though I don’t think it was an arm. I saw and knew that it was growing or had grown and straightened out, healed. God healed me from something and I/we were so excited! Wondering if this has something to do with my message, thinking it was too long, but doing it brought some kind of healing in my spirit? But I saw skin and skin colour so I’m not sure. 

Then in this dream I was part of a tribe. I was with two other people. The leader took a long black straight weapon that reminds me of something they would use in the movie, The Last Samaria. It was longer than we were tall. The person in the middle was a man who was our leader. I saw that he had just taken it and was holding it up and then bringing it down in front of him, getting ready to use it in battle. We walked forward in unison, and the way we crouched forward reminds me of the movie where they would slowly go forward with one step at a time, ready to engage in battle (I was on his left hand side) As we were moving forward I had something in my hand that was a covering; I sensed the other person also had it in their hand and we were pulling it down and over us for a covering. It was also see-through in a way, so I know it was spiritual. All of our movements were deliberate, moving together like a battle dance. Then our leader stood up and it seemed like he was talking with someone, and then I saw in front of us three big vicious wolves, crouching and moving forward, ready to attack us -they were coming from the nearby woods or something. I tried to scare them by lunging forward and roaring like the lion toddler/kid Simba in The Lion King, but my little roar didn’t make them flinch (it was like I wasn’t even there), but they kept on crouching, moving forward, looking at the leader with fire in their eyes; the leader wasn’t paying attention but was still talking with someone. After I did my little roar, I saw it had no affect on them, so I just walked away from them. I wasn’t scared, even though they looked really scary. Then at 4:12 I woke up with the lyrics in my heart, “I won’t be shaken, I won’t be moved. My God is bigger, better, stronger, greater than you.” The enemy hates it that I prepare and do my recordings, but I try not to worry about it, since God did tell me that he’s taking care of that and that all I need to do is run (do what God had told me to do). Well, since I did my recording yesterday, I’m not sure if I need to do it again, but I have an urge to bring a lot of stuff to the thrift store and organize my house. We’ve done a lot of that already this past year, but there’s always more that can be brought away. I just want to say that the reason I didn’t follow the person that had the keys to the room is because there were some new students on the other side who didn’t know where to go, so I went that way. I had two slices of pepperoni and mushroom pizza slices and it was delicious, but I was so full! I think part of the reason I don’t talk at the end of the evening is because there’s so many people. But in the past I’ve actually learned something about myself and about leading; if I’m put in charge of leading a group, I’ll be totally fine with leading it and praying, but when I’m not in charge, then I’ll sit back and not interrupt anyone. I’m not the kind of person who will fight to be heard. This Sunday afternoon my siblings and their families are getting together for my moms birthday. So after the 2nd service we’ll be heading out there. Beginning on Monday my friend and I will be doing the 7 week Bless study, and I’ll be leading it:) A time to grow. Last week at Shopgym we were going to begin doing a partner workout, so without planning it, I heard myself ask if it was okay that I lead.. so I’m sensing I’m in a transition, stepping up, and I’m so glad, even though I’m being stretched. Going to the 5AM shopgym class tomorrow -Thrusters. When I write this much I don’t have the time to check my grammar or punctuation, my apologies.. Alright, blessings to you.. goodnight… (2,220 words) I love my life because of what God is doing in my heart, and knowing it’s only going to get better!!!!💘