New Life!!

“I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” -Psalm 16:7



My daughter, come, you are Mine for all of eternity.

Thank-You -my heart is overwhelmed; I am overwhelmed at this deep revelation. I finally know it in my heart and not only in my mind; there is such a big difference. And it’s all You Papa, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Thank-You for Your deep work in my heart.

I love you Caroline. Now go and tell others!

Yes Papa, of course I will! I could never keep this to myself. I pray for Your guidance Holy Spirit as I prepare my new testimony. 

I will help you My daughter. Now come, the time is quickly approaching. Will you come?

Yes, I will come and I am coming. I’ve already started to take notes. Thank-You for Your Mercy, Your Grace, and Your Never-ending, Unconditional Love. 

You’re welcome My faithful one. You are Mine. 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower. I believe He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart so that my heart is clean before Him. It also clears the way for me to hear Holy Spirit better when there’s no mess in the way. I record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning. Blessings.

April 2:2:03 ..and the dead rose from the grave! In His freedom I am free. Praise the Father praise the Son. Praise the Spirit three in One. God of glory Majesty, praise forever to the King of kings! 

I dreamt about laying down and resting with Jesus..

2:22 “Let everything! That has breath! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let everything! That has breath! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! 

3:36 Papa, I need Your grace!  (I went downstairs to pray)

You have it! 

3:37 Come

3:40 Papa, I need Your help!

3:41 Come My darling, I will help you.

3:47 Papa You said come. What does that mean? I’m reminded of putting my testimony together. 

Caroline, I have called you by name. You are Mine and I love you.

3:50 I believe You Papa. I believe You deep in my heart. Help me to share this love with others, with those around me who need to hear it. 

3:52 Come

3:55 Papa, help me to be brave for You.

I will help you My daughter!

4:14 “You took my sin, and bore my shame.” (I fell asleep and heard this in my heart as I was waking up.)

Yes Papa, at the cross at the cross I surrender my life, I owe all to You, I owe all to You. Here, my heart is found here, on Holy ground here I bow down, here I bow down. 

4:30 “How did you hear? (about the gospel) I heard…” (this was like hearing a conversation between two people right before waking up)

5:01/2 “exhorting” (I forget what exhorting means..)(went upstairs to bed after this)

7:35: I dreamt more than I can remember but what I do remember is that I was in my house and there were a group of people also in the house somewhere; we were all working together, trying to achieve the same goal. My house was in the middle of a very big storm in the middle of the lake, and there were very high waves tossing the house around. I knew the house would fill with water and so I was preparing myself for that, but in my dream it didn’t completely fill with water. I had a knowing there was a woman in the next room who was trying to push a button or something in the middle of all the jostling of the house and the water, and I was thinking to myself, “you can do it!” The rest of the team and myself were waiting for her to do that. I’m sensing the meaning of this is that spiritually I’m in the middle of the ocean. I’ve just had a huge awakening deep in my heart where I finally believe God and Jesus’ love for me.. I’m one of those people who has been raised to life this past Easter weekend! So now I’m trying to navigate what this newfound life looks like, knowing God’s purpose for me to love other people like He does and show them Christ’s love through speaking about what God has done for me. I’m not going to fall spiritually asleep by not doing anything I’ve just learned; I’m going to invite one of my neighbour lady’s over and share with her what God has done for me. I don’t think she’s a christian. One of the other things I dreamt is, I was holding a white, hot mug of coffee (it reminds me of my friends mugs that were on the table for the play), and when my hubby turned to me, I gave it to him and I saw him take it (I think). I could have put it down onto the counter for him but I wanted to give it to him personally… 😮

During the night when I awoke, my throat hurt so much when I swallowed! I forgot to disinfect my toothbrush from the last time I had this very bad cold and now I have it again, and it came so suddenly. I have a slight headache too. So I’m not going to run today, but in my heart I’m still running in pursuit of God and Jesus.. Going to Costco.. Love and Blessings…

April 3: 12:13

12:31: “all of heaven held its breath”

2:21: “There was mercy in His eyes.”

Two nights ago I had dreamt about seeing clearly (while in public) but had forgotten to mention that. 

3:03 Papa, what would You have me do?

3:04 Pray (in the Spirit)

3:15 Papa, can you give me wisdom? I need Your wisdom. 

3:21 My darling, you have it! “Ask and you shall receive”

3:23 “I will not abandon you.” (you will not be abandoned)

3:24 I will come.

3:29 Papa, what is the cry of my heart? 

3:30 To be loved

3:31 I know now that I am loved..

3:33 I am with you to the very end of the age.

3:34 Papa, You are my hearts greatest desire; You know my heart, is this true?

3:36 Yes my darling, this is true. 

Show me Papa if this is really true!

3:37 I will show you.

3:41 Papa, I am willing.. again. 

I know. You will.

3:42 Papa, my heart has been changed. Every time I think about You Jesus, dying on the cross for my sins, I begin to cry. 

3:44 My darling, you are deeply loved and desired. Rest.

Help me rest.

I am your help, always. 

(This next part is what I heard in my heart before waking up (I had fallen asleep downstairs.) Then afterward I went up to go back to bed)

5:13 “I’m getting closer.” (me, getting closer to what God wants me to do)

5:18 “I want to hold you.” (Jesus..)

6:17 “God knew”

Dreamt that I was in my church building, talking with a man who was a very smart and wise man. He could tell me all of the sermon last week; He knew the main idea and the points. Then there was another man from church; he was down the hallway a bit; it felt like I was standing around where the gym doors are and the second man was standing by the corner of the kids Rock counter. This wasn’t specific but reminds me of someone who works on the sound board at church. He also knew the last sermon and could tell you all about it. The men were exchanging quick ideas and it was a happy brief conversation. I was so jealous that they could remember it so well and knew all these things. So I think God is leading me to know the last sermon really well, well enough to present it. The essence of the last message is the message of the cross, and I need to know how to talk about this. This is wisdom. I had the feeling in my dream that these men always learned the messages very well and took them to heart, and I’m taking this to heart.

Right before 8:00 I awoke and had dreamt that I was in a room that reminds me of a hair salon, watching someone do an “up do,” like for a wedding (I saw two). The first up-do I saw her hair was up, and the round perimeter of hair was divided up into many sections, and each section was a different colour (so it looked like a colourful ring). Then in the second up-do I saw an African American girl sitting in the seat getting her hair done. Most of her hair was already up and the stylist was putting up the last remainder section, the bottom or underneath section of hair by the nape of the neck;  people normally don’t see this part because it’s usually underneath all the other hair. The hairstylist had slightly bleached this part a lighter brown and was putting it up, and it blended in nicely. This makes me think that I’m in the last leg of my journey; after this it’s all done!

This morning as I was waking Bella up for school I heard in my heart, “Stay home. Work on your message.” I was planning to go to Soar. During the night I sensed to stay home from Shopgym today. I didn’t get a lot of sleep because of praying, and then I couldn’t fall asleep. The workout today was overhead squats, which wouldn’t have been good for my back. I’m working on my message today. I’m coming Jesus.. Blessings…