The War Is Over!!

“In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in Him, and He saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in Him; let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.” Isaiah 25:9


Papa, I praise and worship You. You are who You say You are and You do what You say You’ll do. You are faithful and I love You very much.

My daughter, you are Mine and I love you.

Thank-You Papa for who You are and for doing what You said You would do. I love You and I will always follow You. Forgive me when I take slow steps, and help me trust in You completely when these times come. 

Caroline My daughter, come, it is finished. It’s time. 

Papa, I pray for Your Wisdom as we walk forward together. Help me to see You, to hear You more clearly. I love You and I trust in You. 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower. I believe He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart so that my heart is clean before Him. It also clears the way for me to hear Holy Spirit better when there’s no mess in the way. I record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning. Blessings.

2:55 “There’s no shadow you won’t light up, mountain you won’t climb up, running after me. There’s no wall you won’t kick down, lie you won’t tear down, coming after me. Oh the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God. I couldn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, still You give Yourself away.” 

4:51 (I didn’t look at the time right away so it could have been 4:50) I dreamt there was an army of people coming. My family (not my family in waking life) were living in the city. At first we didn’t feel like it was a threat because it was happening so far away.

5:34 “Papa, I feel like we’ll never get there…

We’ll get there; I have a plan. 

Papa Your plans are amazing, and I want to walk in Your plan. 

5:37 “Come”

Then as the mom was walking around doing things, and everyone was living their normal life, I went to look out of a window and was alarmed to see two tall towers begin to fall over; it was closer than we thought. So I ran to tell everyone that we needed to leave right away. So this alerted everyone and everyone began getting ready to go. 

Then the people were there who were destroying everything and killing people, and the mom, wanting to save the baby, quickly threw the baby to safety. I didn’t see where she had thrown her baby but wherever it was, it was safe. 

In this scene the lady had left/was gone but she had left something underneath some white paper towels on the countertop. I saw it was the size of a small box (like a box from a jewelry store that holds a ring). The enemy was nearby so I quickly took the box from underneath the paper towels, and the enemy tried to take it from me but couldn’t. 

I saw this scene like it was a movie. I didn’t see them but there were a few people who were laying in their hammocks underground; they thought they could escape what was going on, on top of the ground. Then I saw further down that orange lava was slowly kreeping up to them, and I closed my eyes because I didn’t want to watch as it rose right up to where they were, submerging them in lava and killing them. 

A scene where the people were in our home and there was a man who was talking to me and another one of my family members like we were friends. He was so nice even though he was going to make us go into the lava to kill us. 

Then they were forcing me and a few other family members to go into the lava, so we walked into it, expecting to die right away. At first I was trying to delay the inevitable, but then I knew I needed to do it so I just walked in, excepting it. In my dream I was thinking that I’d be completely overcome by it and fall completely in it, but I just stood there, seemingly unaffected by it. Then there was someone standing in the lava with me, in front of me and kind of to my left, looking at my left arm. I was lifting my arm a little and I think he was holding my arm as he was looking at it,  and he said something like the lava wasn’t having an affect on me; it didn’t hurt me or it only hurt me a little. My heart is hurting very much (evidence that I’m spiritually alive and that I love and know love? I’m thinking this is the purpose of the lava; to prune and refine) What has happened, which is a big thing, is that I know in my heart that God loves me and that Jesus loves me… My heart sees and knows this, and that’s why it hurts so much.

In this scene there was a really tall white poll I practiced to pull myself up on; every time I pulled myself up, trying to get to the top, I got further up. I think I would run and grab onto the pole and climb up using my arms. I think I tried to do it two times in my dream before I got to the top, and I did it! As I got to the top I saw the flat top part and I flew high into the air. Then I saw a picture of the ground; there was a long crevice about 5-10 feet wide and the person needed to get to the top of the pole. As the pole began leaning to the other side, they needed to have enough momentum to land on the other side of the crevice. I vaguely saw in my dream that it was me on the pole and I just made it across, but barely making it.

Then the scene changed where I heard or had a knowing that the war was over and so the people who were trying to kill us needed to stop, so then they stopped. Then I saw that the lava had stopped flowing towards our house and that our house was the next to go if the lava hadn’t stopped. I didn’t see the lava, just the evidence of all the wreckage and a knowing that it was caused by lava. I saw that all the buildings in front of us had been destroyed; they were broken and the wreckage was lower in the ground. It was like there was a cut off right by our house, and our house was the next in line to fall if it wasn’t for it being over (this is God’s Grace). I vaguely saw white ash over our house, showing that it was done.

I’m hearing these lyrics in my mind, “I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered, I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered. That’s why I trust Him, that’s why I trust him!”

9:24 “We’re not going anywhere.” Was that the enemy or just my thoughts? (After my kiddos went to school I had fallen asleep for the second time and heard this right before waking up.) In my prayer time I pleaded with the Lord about this and I heard in my heart, “Rest, all is well with you.”

In my prayer time I sensed that the lava represents the Fire of God. I believe that I have come through the Fire of God, and God has brought me back to life through it. I was buried, but through so much difficulty I said yes to Him over and over again, and through saying yes to God when He led me to do something, it enabled me to get out of the grave. I don’t think I ever got it in the first try about anything He said, and I’m so thankful for His patience in His pursuit of my heart because my heart needed to learn to trust so that I could receive God and Jesus’ love. I believe that small steps are sure steps, and when we mature in God, then we’re able to take bigger steps. I don’t know if I’m there yet, but I know that God will lead me there. I think, and I could be wrong, that the Fire of God can become the Judgment of God when people have chosen over and over again not to make themselves ready. It’s only by the Grace of God that I’m spiritually alive after going through this valley of refining and training. I will only know for sure what this “Done” looks like through the more mature followers of Christ that I’ve grown to love and respect.

Reading my book! We did back squats and running this morning at Shopgym. 7,5,3 reps; my 3reps was 100lbs (65lbs, then 85, then 100). My back is feeling a lot better but I’m still being careful. I’m stretching everyday and it’s helped because the muscles on the outside of my legs were tight which affected my back. We ran 800m two times. I’m glad to be able to work off what I ate this last weekend! I bought a Mars bar at the Tuck Shop for nostalgic reasons. I remember loving the Tuck Shop when I went to Fisher Bay Bible Camp when I was little. Oh no, I think I missed the Monday night online study! I just remembered now:( Goodnight, Love and Blessings…

7th: I’ll be posting again today; going running on the track, baking Bella a birthday cake and hopefully reading. Your Love is Wild for Me got me dancing all around the house!! Dancing in my freedom and also dancing as spiritual warfare in our home. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥