A Time of Refreshing

“A man cannot be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted. A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown…” -Proverbs 12:3,4


Papa, I love You.

I love you My daughter. You are Mine.

I worship You Papa. Thank-You for Your passionate love that You have for everyone of us. You truly are such an amazing God!

I love you My daughter. Come. Refresh. You are Mine.

Help me Papa to keep going.

Don’t give up hope My dear one. I am with you, always.


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

June 24 2:11 (I awoke but hadn’t dreamt anything that I can remember) ☀️☀️☀️

2:45 Here’s my life.. Let it be a living sacrifice.

3:07 Your name stands above it all. All power..

5:25 And the angels cry, Holy..

8:08 Two people in a dumpster. I saw city dumpsters and movement like there were people there. A lady acknowledged them, indicating if we’d want to pray for them or something like that. 

8:13 “We plan to protect your family”

8:30 “Everything I need in Jesus. He’s everything I need.”

8;34 “Change series;” seeing a circle being completed, seeing white going around a circle, showing it’s complete. 

8:37 “I’ll do it by my size”

The ups and downs, the highs and lows.. into faith I go!

I dreamt that I was in Lucas’ school. I had gone into a single bathroom stall and had unbuttoned my outside shirt (I had another shirt on underneath) when two high school guys stood in front of the bathroom stall with their back leaning on it, and one of them stood and leaned up against the door. He pushed against the lower half of the door with his butt, bending it inward so everyone could see me. Then they quickly ran away. There were a few others that had been standing around and it felt like the bathroom stall was right in a gym or public place for sports. Then I was going to the office to tell them about what the two boys had done. There were three high-school girls there (one a bit older than the other two) who were hanging out (not in the office), who had been given the responsibility of being in the office. Then I think I had told them about it I’m not sure. But at some point someone told me that the guys were in grade 4 (seeing four cones in a dream?) but she didn’t know their names.

Then I saw one of Lucas’ teachers; I saw his teacher standing, leaning against a wall and kind of behind a short wall, so I only saw his head as he looked at me. He looked bored and he wasn’t doing anything.

Then I had told Lucas that his dad was waiting for us to go somewhere and that we needed to hurry.

Then I was driving my vehicle on a train track; the train track was like a roller coaster track. I saw someone in front of me as they were rounding a corner and I steered off the track because I was thinking that cars don’t drive on train tracks. Then I was kind of stuck on a parking lot, backing up to leave the parking lot. I think it was a bit dark in this part of the dream but I’m not sure.

On the way to the NECampus on Saturday I was driving on hwy 75 when I looked up at the sky and saw four beautiful big white birds; they looked kind of like pelicans but I’m not sure what kind of bird they were. They flew in unison, in line and when they turned, they turned in unison, exactly at the same time which made it look so elegant and graceful. 

I forgot to mention that Saturday night I had dreamt that I had put my pinky finger in my right ear and had scraped some yellow earwax onto my finger/fingernail and had looked at it. So yesterday because Pastor M mentioned that or something like that in his sermon, and because I dreamt about it, I did it when we were praying for someone who wanted to be free from alcoholism.

Shopgym: ran 3rounds (4K in total) with a partner. We needed to hold a green band, each holding one side as we ran. Then I did a rope climb in between running. I did two full rope climbs and the last one I didn’t make it to the top.

After my prayer conversation I needed to hear from the Lord and I sensed it was okay to take short naps as I knelt by Bella’s bed: 

3:49 (I think) I dreamt I was at an event where there was music, and those who were playing music were doing what they needed to do to serve. Then I saw someone close to me all of a sudden come to herself and remembered her part in it, which was to talk to people, so with a burst of energy she began walking, looking for someone to talk to and pray for.

3:56 I dreamt that I saw someone with a microphone, and the setting felt like a train station, like the ones in cities. He had a microphone in his hand and looked excited as he was about to go somewhere in the train station. 

4:00 I was at what felt like the North End Campus and we were doing an event. The person in charge said he needed two people for something. The side door was open and these two people were needed there to do something. 

4:03 Dreamt that in my home there were people living there who weren’t biologically my family, but they felt like family as we were helping and supporting them. We loved them like they were our own.

4:06 I saw someone in their car (with the car door open, parked) who had a black corduroy cap on. 

4:10 I dreamt vaguely about a semi truck. Someone was going to leave but would be back quickly. There was excitement in the air.

Today I opened my Bible to the scripture above… I fell asleep during the online study! Blessings…