God Is Gracious

“But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.” Romans 7:6


Thank-You Papa for Your love. Help me to know it fully so that fear has no hold on me. (Perfect love casts out fear)

I love you My daughter. Come, you are Mine. 

Papa, do You have a word for me today?


Help me come. THank-You for helping me come today. I had such a wonderful time talking with the two people on my card.

My daughter, you did well and I’m proud of you. 

Thank-You Papa. I give You all the glory; without You I can do nothing -something I’ve learned so well. I worship You and I ask that You would enable these two women who I reached out to today, to draw closer to You today. I pray that seeds were planted and that You would cause them to be watered in fertile soil. Would You remind them of Your awesome and complete love for them. 

I will. Come and rest, for all is well with you. 


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

This first dream was so vague that I’m not sure if it means anything. But I saw a deep crevice and on the other side of it was a really big dwelling place. On the other side of this dwelling place was another deep crevice. I saw this really close up and then I saw the whole thing far away. 

8:06 (evening last night) I saw a quick picture of someone skateboarding from the light and into the thunderstorm darkness. 

1:43 a group of us went to where I was living; I was living with a mature Christian couple who I had a feeling like they were mentoring me. We were in the kitchen and everyone was doing things, hanging out (had a youth feeling). Then I felt hungry and  I reached across the counter and got the last bowl. I picked up the last bowl and saw small apple pieces in there from when I had put them there a few days earlier. I had taken the last few apples that were left and had cut the bad parts out and ate the good parts; I had put the bad, left over pieces into the bowl but had forgotten to throw them out. The husband or wife had put the bowl in the cupboard for me, not realizing they could have just thrown it out. So I was going to throw out those pieces. One of the volunteers for Wednesday nights was there, watching me, looking solum, and I explained about the apples to her right before I was going to throw them out. I have no idea what this could mean. I’m thinking this could mean that I need to reach out to her.. I had invited her before to call me anytime, but I haven’t followed up on that. I will.

A scene where someone had hung something up in a white portable cloth closet and had hung up something brown. I vaguely remember it was a brown flat pouch of some kind that could have held some kind of album (it was hooked on a clothes hanger and I saw the hanger hooked on the silver bar going across.). I took it and then I had put it onto a counter or table. Someone came and took it to look at it. I told them where I had gotten it from so that they could hang it back up there when they were done. They acknowledged it. Then I saw there was another small piece that belonged to it. 

I had another dream about an apple I think

3:28 I think I saw a Ferris wheel and I think it went counter clockwise once. 

5:22 “The ups and downs, moving forward, into faith I go!” (lyrics)

7:22 “The ups and downs, moving forward, into faith I go!”

7:43 “Holy, there is no one like You. There is none beside You. Open up my heart in wonder and show me, who You are and fill me, with Your love and use me, in Your love to those around me” 

8:04 “I was down here and I shared the gospel.”

I dreamt that I had followed Jesus my husband, and he had led me to the centre of a long table. There were people sitting at the table on the side that we were standing on (there were no people sitting on the other side of the table so it looked like a wedding table), and there were two spots open for us (it felt like these two open spots were in the middle). Jesus had brought two plates that were full of food to the table, one for him and one for me, and he put the two plates of food on the table and asked me which one I would like. I heard, “you choose” as he waited for me to choose (he was standing on my right side). This looked like a wedding table, and I was standing behind where the groom would sit, and Jesus was standing behind where the bride would sit. And there was a man sitting beside the grooms spot and a lady sitting beside the brides spot. The plates each had the exact same food and the exact same amount of food on them.

8:22 I’m sensing that the Lord wants me to go and share my story with my neighbour lady, and that this is how I’m going to choose the plate..

Yesterday I dreamt something that was so vague that I was thinking to dismiss it. I had a quick picture of someone who was on the side of light, going to the side of darkness very quickly, like they were on a skateboard. Now that I’ve had these dreams, it makes sense that this would represent me going to share my story with my neighbour lady. Yes, I choose to share my story with her today. It’s a darker, rainy day today, and I will go.

9:22 I just got on my knees to pray and saw that it just turned to 9:22…

8:08 (PM) I sensed, “Your faith has healed you, has made you well. Go in peace.” (I went to two people’s places that were on my Bless card, and one of them rededicated her life to Christ! I shared the gospel with her)

8:11 Come my daughter, it’s time. 

8:13 Papa, I worship You! You are so good to me! “Great is Your faithfulness to me. From the rising sun to the setting same I will praise Your name. Great is Your faithfulness to me.” Thank You Papa for Your faithfulness today, for helping me follow You. I love You forever.

I’m writing here and I can barely keep my eyes open! This morning I went to my neighbour lady’s house and she invited me in and we had coffee together. (I shared this part of the story) It was raining outside so I put on my Lu Lu Lemon rain jacket because this is the jacket I saw in one of my dreams. I had seen it laying in a dumpster but I picked it up and was going to wash it and wear it again. So I believe that I had initially said no (spitting the bee out of my mouth (Bless)), but today I chose to wear it which also shows that I’m following Jesus and sharing the gospel! I loved every moment. Today when I came back from having coffee with my neighbour, I began feeling like God wanted me to go and talk to the other lady, so this is what I did, explaining about brokenness, turning towards and trusting Jesus because of what He did on the cross, and then growing our relationship with God -the three circles). We had a really good conversation -God is so Gracious..

Later when I came back home I remembered another dream about seeing two women sitting in chairs, really happy, so I think this represents me talking to the two women today and sharing my story with them and sharing the gospel. Wow, what an eventful and purposeful day! I think God is giving me His Grace at this moment of my life. Going to the North End Campus from tomorrow to hand out lemonade and share the gospel.. Afterwards if there’s time we’ll go to Costco. Blessings and Love❤️‍🔥

July 2: 12:51 I dreamt I was on the water on a small boat.

12:56? I dreamt that there was someone on rollerblades on a curb, and another person kind of hip check him and made him fall. I saw his legs flying up in front of him. 

1:25? I wasn’t really asleep but I dreamt that I saw a huge face with one eye and had lots of long hair very messy. He was holding out his child for me to pray for him.

1:29 “The enemy has rejected onto you., so I..” like I was hearing someone’s conversation.

1:32 Someone rejected a really nice co-pilot. I’m feeling like what I did yesterday wasn’t good enough, like I had missed something and because of that I feel like I failed. But in my heart I know that everything I do for God is worth so much.

1:40 In this dream I saw milk had been poured into a big white plate. 

6: I’m gonna get through this, through this I’m gonna get through this so help me God.

7:34 “…on St Mary’s Ave” (I heard this in my heart right before waking up)  To me this represents that what I did yesterday is acceptable and that I’m the bride of Christ…

7:48 I saw a rush of traffic with all kinds of vehicles (including a semi truck) speed up and all come very quickly on a one way highway (but it looked more like a crowd of people would, all together and rushing forward), and then I looked to my right and saw a yellow construction/dump truck driving in the opposite direction, driving against traffic on the shoulder. 

7:57 “I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me. Make the lame to walk and the blind to see. Opens prison doors sets the captives free. I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me. Spring up oh well, within my soul. Spring up oh well, and make me whole. Spring up oh well, and give to me, life abundantly.”

8:24 Something about a target

8:26 Free! (I heard “Free” in my heart right before waking up!) 

I also had a longer dream, most of which I can’t remember, but a small part of it was, I saw that someone had put up a picture there, hidden kind of in a nook for keepsake. I took it and looked at it. In my dream I didn’t see a clear picture, but I noticed that the person had put it in the nook by putting a nail right in the center of it. Then I put it back, making sure it was hanging on the nail. There was another small photo or something hanging there.

For the most part I had the best sleep I’ve had for a really long time. With waking up I probably had about ten hours, feeling rested. 
On Saturday I saw a really big fat spider in the bathtub. Because I didn’t have my glasses on, I only saw a big black blob as I took the shower head, put on the water and watched it go down the drain, such a relief! Have a wonderful day… Love and Blessings… ❤️‍🔥