I Receive You Jesus…

“He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me.” Matthew 10:40


Papa, I love You and I worship You with all my heart. I am so deeply grateful for Your love, patience and kindness to me. 

My daughter, it’s time to rise up from where you have been. Come, My power is made perfect in weakness. 

Yes Papa, You for sure have chosen a weak person and have been strengthening me as we’ve spent time together all these years. 

Yes My darling this is true. You are My design and I love you. Come, the time is right. Now is the time.

Papa I receive Your son Jesus with my whole heart. Please give me Your Wisdom and Discernment to navigate where You are leading, and help me have courage to follow You quickly. I love and trust Jesus fully as far as I know, so please help my actions to reflect that. 

I will surely help you My faithful one. You are Mine and I love you.


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

12:56 “1,2,3!” In my dream I saw a man and woman holding hands and jumping in together. I had a feeling like this is my husband and me. I’m praying for discernment for this weekend..

1:06 “ten in total” I had a feeling like there were two roommates who were having people over. I had a feeling like they were arranging the couches, getting ready for company. The phrase could have been a question.

3:08 “and the angels cry, Holy, and the people cry, Holy. Worthy is the Lord, Holy forever.” In my dream there was an encouragement from a group of people for me to come, feeling like it was a photo of the group. Going up for prayer?

3:46 It was 2:22 in my dream. “Open my eyes. Show me who You want me to be Lord. Help me see, that I don’t have to be the strongest. You are perfect in my weakness.” Open my eyes Holy Spirit..

5:42 A man was standing in front, walking backwards and talking, telling us that he has more tattoos. He had a long sleeve shirt on and you could see some of his tattoos but he had more that were covered. I have the darkest bruise on my left hip that I’ve ever had in my life. Another lighter one on my right hip (my bathing suit covers them.) I’m sore from skateboarding and CrossFit yesterday.. Our workout was, 1-10 reps for time (10 min time cap) of pull-ups (I did jumping pull-ups) and Front Squats (I only used the bar for front squats), so 1 pull up and 1 front squat, then 2 pull ups and 2 front squats etc up to ten. Then we rested until the ten minutes were up. Then we did 21-15-9 of Toes to bar (I did knee raises) and Hang Power Cleans (I did 55lbs). When I was done I looked up at the time and saw the clock had 1:40 min left!!

5:56 I was putting moisturizer on my skin. (I did put moisturizer on my skin before going to bed last night)

5:59 K saying that Jesus was hers  and will be hers until I do something or say something. As I’m pondering about this, writing down in my notebook that I need to do something/say something, I’m thinking I need to do a short video saying what my life has been like following Jesus…

6:01 Southland. church. (There was a pause between these two words in my dream)

6:05 I was walking through the door of a bathroom at a park and I saw a fence blocking off the toilet area.

6:11 “Take my hand, I won’t let go, we’ve waited so long… All my life I’ve walked alone, till you, my heart my home…”

6:37 I dreamt that someone was walking past me (us) in a building, carrying a fresh bag of cereal, talking as he was walking. The feeling was that this is at camp, but I’m not sure. I’m thinking I dreamt this because I need to figure out how to get back home from church camp. My kids dad needs to go home on Friday because the driveway will be paved on Saturday, and he doesn’t want us to take two vehicles. I was thinking to ask if we could have a ride with the van, if we could get a ride to church and my kids dad would pick us up from there.

6:47 Dreamt about youth, pushing something big with wheels  (like the game) into the youth room. 

7:07 I had a quick dream about a dog running towards me when all of a sudden it dropped to the ground, pawing at its face or something. Then I heard in German, which I don’t know how to spell, “dote shoft,”meaning, “that works.” Yesterday I walked with Bella as she took Coco for a walk. We went to the schoolyard where Coco could run, and she ran to me at one point. The weird thing is that she ran straight through my legs. 

7:17 I was standing outside at the back of the white van and the doors were open from packing a lot of stuff into it. I vaguely sensed a car driving up to the van behind me. Then the person helping me was a guy with light brown shorts, and as he was walking towards me from the side of the van I thanked him for helping me put all the stuff into the van, like I was the one that was going to drive it. 

7:44 “I love you My darling.

I love You Papa.”

7:52 I dreamt that I was on our driveway/at the side of our driveway by the road and I saw a girl with long brown hair (young woman, reminds me of K) take some light silver pipes that weren’t very long and that had been laying on the driveway, and she began bringing them into the garage, cleaning them up. The feel I had about that was that she had a lot of joy and anticipation because she could put them away. This morning as I was sitting on the steps of our patio I noticed there were light silver/grey pipes at the side of our yard, along the back of the house. Some were longer and there were a few short ones. They looked like the ones in my dream; these pipes are the pipes my kids dad uses to make frames to block out the sun, for diffusion for filming. 

7:57 In my dream I had just gone onto a road that had very dark/black clouds overtop.

“I trust in God, my Saviour the One, who will never fail. He will never fail.”

I declared scripture over me that has to do with my identity.

8:15 I dreamt that one person was done or had completed their time working in the classroom at the elementary school, and a different person was taking her place. (I believe this represents that I’m done with working at public schools)

8:18 I had been thinking about Lucas working and having an income, and then I dreamt that he was just about to go in for work; he was standing in front of his work place and he looked at me and said, “I love you,” and I heard his voice, then he went in to work. If I’m truly ready in my heart then the Holy Spirit will help me be able to follow Him. Lucas works at the Heritage Center, which represents weddings for me.. I love you too Jesus.. I’m praying that I’m ready this time…

10:09 I trust in God, my Saviour the one, who will never fail. He will never fail.”

The morning I was preparing beans to soak, and after I filled the bowl with water and put it onto the counter I saw a very yellow bean! I’m sure I would have noticed it as I was taking out the bad ones because it was a lot bigger than the others and very bright! So I’m thinking that God put it there! I had a blue glove on for rinsing the beans and I wish I would have taken a photo of it with my blue glove, but I do have one in my hand. I was thinking God put it there for a reason and I ate it, not wanting to loose it. I’m not sure if that was right but I didn’t dream anything about having a yellow bean so I’m not sure if I did the right thing. I think we’re going to Costco tomorrow after church. Praying I’ll follow tomorrow.. love and blessings…❤️‍🔥

July 28: 5:05 “when I awoke, from my sleep, oh my love she’s beautiful, she’s apart of me, she’s my wife…” (“Bound by love, one flesh to be, an unbroken ring. And I lay down, my life for thee, in love we are free.”)

5:24 I heard the cooing of a Morning Dove while I was downstairs, about to lay down on the white mattress to begin praying. 

5:52 My daughter, come 

5:53 I’m coming Papa…

5:55 I have a strong sense of being together…

6:00 You are Mine

6:09 “I wanna come home with you too.” As I was praying I had a short dream/vision that someone was going to take two kids home with him and adopt them, and an adult was with them and longingly said, “I wanna come home with you too…” 

6:15 “Yes My daughter, you can come home today…”

6:16 Oh Papa, thank-You…

6:20 I love You Papa, thank-You with all my heart. 

6:22 “You’re welcome My daughter. I love you too.”

6:26 I hear Morning Doves.. 

6:45 “Gift from God” ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

In one of my dreams someone sat behind the drivers seat beside me, thinking this is the direction to take, to sit behind the “drivers” seat, which at church is behind the pastor..