Gift From God

“I was glad when they said to me, “let us go to the house of the Lord.” -Psalm 122:1

Conversation and Reflection

Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

5:05 “when I awoke, from my sleep, oh my love she’s beautiful, she’s apart of me, she’s my wife…” (“Bound by love, one flesh to be an unbroken ring. And I lay down, my life for thee, in love we are free.”)

5:24 I heard the cooing of a Morning Dove while I was downstairs, about to lay down on the white mattress to begin praying. 

5:52 My daughter, come 

5:53 I’m coming Papa…

5:55 I have a strong sense of being together…

6:00 You are Mine

6:09 “I wanna come home with you too.” As I was praying I had a short dream/vision that someone was going to take two kids home with him and adopt them, and an adult was with them and longingly said, “I wanna come home with you too…” 

6:15 “Yes My daughter, you can come home today…”

6:16 Oh Papa, thank-You…

6:20 I love You Papa, thank-You with all my heart. 

6:22 “You’re welcome My daughter. I love you too.”

6:26 I hear Morning Doves.. 

6:45 “Gift from God”

2:41 You are covered 

2:42 Papa, I love You. I’m believing in You and I’m trusting in You. You are my Joy and I remain steadfast in You. 

2:46 Welcome, My daughter.

On the way home from church today my heart was crying out to God, wondering if I made it, and I heard the word, “Covered.” 

3:30 My heart has continued to feel Gods Joy; I have an excitement deep within my soul. I believe and my heart is at rest. 

At church, the word, “front” was persistent in my mind, and I heard the word, “stay” a few times, not as persistent. I was so confused, and when I saw my friend sitting in the row behind us (I had a dream about that), I began thinking that I should go back and sit where we had been sitting before. It was so difficult because of inward and outward pressures (my family was making a big deal about it because we had already moved a few times, and I don’t blame them). Yes, I am a desperate housewife, wanting to please God, wanting to please Jesus, and wanting so desperately to be close Him… so even though the sermon had already started, in my desperation I told my family to follow me, and I got up and moved. 

At 6:50 this morning I had fallen asleep and I had a dream which propelled me to do more of my homework. So I went and got my notebook with my notes and went online and reread the dreams I had two posts ago, and I read that I saw Jesus sitting behind the driver’s seat. So this is how I was reminded about that. This was my dream this morning: 6:50 “I’m sacked” Lucas was going to have a test that he hadn’t studied for, and he was looking online to see what he needed to study. But there was so much to choose from that he didn’t know what to study, and he felt so discouraged. I didn’t want the discouragement in my dream to speak over me so I didn’t include it. I repent Papa if this wasn’t Your way, please forgive me Papa if this was wrong. 

4:08 “I forgive you My daughter. You are Mine.”

4:16 My heart is at rest and I’m giving everything to God because I trust in Him!!! 

At church on the parking lot I introduced myself to someone as we were standing in line and I ended up telling her my story about being persistent with spending time with Jesus, and because of not giving up, He leads us into our purpose. This really encouraged her and I prayed for her that she would begin her own journey by spending time with God every day and being obedient to Him. We exchanged phone numbers to go for coffee.. I’m not sure when I’ll have time for that but if this is from the Lord then it’ll happen.

Today for lunch Bella forgot to give Lucas a knife so he ate without a knife. This reminded me about the dream about Lucas, my hope that I hadn’t been too late, and hearing in my heart the word, “covered.” (To me, not having a knife represented that what I had to offer God today, my imperfection in following Him today, hadn’t been cut out.) This afternoon Lucas was on the computer and I saw what I saw in my dream; squares/links to things, and in the backyard my kids dad has sand for sandbags that he’s been working on. He wanted to fill in the remainder of the bags today and I said why not take this day to rest. So that’s what he’s doing. I’m resting that God said that I’m covered, and I won’t lose my Peace…

Yesterday I needed to get onions and tomatoes from the local grocery store and at the checkout counter I told the person, “I know you probably hear this all the time, but remember that Jesus lives you and I think you’re awesome!” He looked at me and didn’t really know what to say, but I felt victorious! Then right after at Co-Op I did the same thing and the guy had such a big smile! It’s so fun to obey God! To do this though it kind of forces me to also be in a good mood so that my joy will be contagious! On the way home I sensed to do it again and saw a couple who I know, walking on our street. So I talked with them and said the same thing and they were so encouraged:) Then I went in and made black beans. My kids dad had made an early supper/late lunch (because we didn’t have onions at home I would finish making them the next day (Sunday), but then later I remembered the yellow bean and decided to go and buy onions and tomatoes so that we could also have beans that day. So that’s what we did, and we watched the Bumblebee Transformers movie last night. 

5:19 Papa

I’m coming..

5:20 Papa, I love You so much!

I know you do My daughter. I love you too. Come. 

I will always follow You Papa.. I pray that I will grow in hearing Your voice and grow in courage to follow You wherever You go. 

5:24 Remain at peace My daughter; all is well with you. 

Papa, thank-You, I know Your Joy in my heart. 

Rest, remain at rest. 

Papa, Jesus, I love you so much… I believe You Papa and I give You everything; I surrender my hopes, the little bit of worry if I’ve truly made it today or not, and I’m putting my trust in You again. I pray that my emotions and my need for Jesus won’t lead me to lose my peace.. My eyes are steadfast on You Papa. Thank-You for Your reassurance; I love You so much!

5:41 I am near to you My daughter. 

I didn’t go onto our  the first service, so I was surprised to see the background with the belts around the waists of the housewives.. I put a brown belt around my waist because that was how I managed to make the bottom of my house gather like in my dream. 

This evening Lucas and I dropped his dad (and running friend) off at St. Pierre, and they’re running back from there. Lucas drove on the way back (his dad drove there) and on the way home Lucas and I stopped at a wheat field and thought the yellow was so beautiful!! Something about the field reminds me of when the spiritual fields are ripe for harvest. God is my life and my Saviour; my Redeemer and closest Friend… I was created by Him and for Him. I am His daughter and He’s my Papa, my King!  ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥