Holy Spirit Come

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


Papa, I love You. I worship You and I lift You high above it all. Show me my heart and show me the truth about any lie I believe. 

Come My daughter, rest.

Papa, create in me a clean heart. I want to grow in my intimacy with You. I want to be able to discern Your voice so that I can follow You more closely. 

Come My faithful one, you are Mine and I love you. I will direct your steps. 

Papa, I’ve seen many times that You direct peoples thinking and they’re not even aware of it. Your purpose in my life will stand. ThankYou for all You do in my heart, in my life and in the lives of those around me. Help me to grow in sensitivity to the spiritual needs of those around me and give me a love and joy to reach out to them; I believe that this is a form of courage. 

Yes it is My darling. I will lead you in the way you should go. Rest in My complete love for you. You are mine. 


11:26 I wasn’t asleep yet but I saw a picture of someone that was going to be attacked by someone else, and the person that was close to her grabbed her and flung her away from the person who wanted to attack her. 

11:36 A scene from the movie: the girl walked to the cabinet that had ammunition. 

11:39 A small group of people were in a vehicle in pursuit of a person. They weren’t driving the vehicle but were getting a ride like in a van; it was like the van didn’t have seats so they were sitting on the floor, joyfully talking with each other.

11:43 I vaguely saw a superstore keychain and the coin on the keychain was blue. 

11:48 A happy group of people singing.

11:49 Someone said something about a date, hearing the word, date.

11:51 I saw someone jump into a group of people to embrace them, and I heard 70’s music playing. (This morning a song came on at Shopgym when we were done and I was taking a photo of my times/how long it had taken me to everything I needed to do, and I mentioned to the person standing there that when I come to Shopgym is when I hear all the songs I listened to when I was in high school (nostalgia). And she told me the radio station she listens to that plays music from the 70’s)

11:55 Saw a woman in a big scientific plant, reminding me of the movie about the apes.

1:19 I saw a Bible 

1:55 An open Bible (I’ll be reading the Bible everyday again..)

3:21 I found a love, for me, stronger than anyone I know. I don’t deserve it, darling you look perfect tonight. 

4:07 I hope that someday, I’ll share her home…

5:01 Papa, what is the truth; lead me to the truth. Jesus You are the truth so show me Your truth that You need me to see about myself, about my journey with You, about the calling You have given me. Lead me into freedom Papa. Help me to grow in humility and help me to grow more in love with You, with the truth about You in my life. I’m so desperate for You Papa, Jesus, help me please.

5:09 I will help you My darling. 

7:59 “Everything yes”

8:03 I saw people walking and heard, “I didn’t want to miss this opportunity.”

8:05 I was at a gathering

8:06/07 “He has come…As his wife” (This sentence didn’t make sense at first and then I thought it must be two phrases put into one)

8:08 I saw someone had arrived; saw a vehicle/jeep from the side coming to a stop. I had a vague sense that it was going to back up into the driveway where I was standing. 

8:34 I saw someone sitting on the couch, unashamed.

10:13 The ups and downs, the highs and lows, journey, into faith I go!

10:14 “Rapunzel”

10:30 “I shared with my friends.”

On the way home from church on Sunday I saw a licence plate that had a word (I forgot the word) and had an X on each side of it (Roman numeral 10). 

Today I used the dumbbell that had the colours yellow and purple (40lbs), and I noticed when I looked up how to spell Rapunzel, that her hair was yellow (gold) and dress was purple -thought that was neat:) Yesterday at church I bought a Cappuccino (3 shots) and a Peach and Watermelon drink for my kiddos. Lucas took the Peach and Bella wanted Peach too so she gave the Watermelon drink to her friend and I ordered her a Peach drink instead:) I also saw a dessert that had raspberry in the middle, so I bought it because in my dream I had eaten something that had some type of red flavouring in it. Then as I sat with my kids at a table and we were done, I remembered that I had seen someone wipe the table at home so I made sure to wipe the table we used at church! In my dream I had seen three individual cups and I’m glad I bought my kids drinks because I only remembered my dream about the cups later. I had a chocolate treat from outside, hope this was okay, not knowing I’d see the dessert at the World Cafe… Something really awesome happened today; I got to talk with someone about my faith and we’re planning on going for coffee in September! Today my kids and I will go back to school shopping before Bible study. I’ve begun to read from the Bible app instead of writing my traditional way, hoping this is from the Lord. I’ve downloaded Rightnow Media as well. I’ll be joining the online Bible study on Monday nights. I’m sensing to work on my testimony. Standing with the pastors this Sunday was so affirming… Love and Blessings…❤️‍🔥

Aug 20: We were at the zoo on the parking lot; Is it actually possible that I will understand and be able to follow? Or is it possible that even if I don’t understand, that I will be able to follow?

12:00 I saw the corner of our cement driveway (by the garage/neibours house

12:03 in the middle of praying with Bella when I dreamt I saw two teddy bears upside down. I saw both pairs of legs up in the air.

12:11 someone wanted to stay overnight at the mall but someone made him leave and he was complaining. 

12:14 Someones wife said “I’m not a huge fan,” and the husband nodded his head and said okay.

12:16 I saw a messy bed. Feeling like it was the morning, upstairs at a cabin

12:18 outside at a cabin sitting on lawn chairs and someone was being understanding because the same thing had happened to them before

12:21 “did you hear that?” Vaguely seeing some parchment paper that was about to be used

12:23 A group of us were about to spend the night on the couches at church.

12:26 Bella was talking to her friends; had a feeling like they were at some kind of celebration. 

12:40 we were at a cabin in the dining room, and it was going to be supper soon

12:42 I was going to drink water from my water bottle and there were others there

12:51 It was at the end of being at the cabin and people were on the parking lot. I heard something but as I was writing this, I forgot. “And the angels cry, holy. Holy forever..”

5:47 “I have faith in what I see, now I know I have met an angel in person, she looks perfect, I don’t deserve this, you look perfect tonight…”

6:58 I saw brown boots underneath a dock, or a wooden floor. The dock was beside a wall so there was a narrow gap. There could have been something that went into the gap that I took out of the gap, and that’s when I saw the brown boots. At the cabin on Sunday I stood in the water with my pant legs rolled up, and afterwards I sat at the edge of the dock with my feet in the water.

7:09 I saw flowers and trees and people walking. I think this is a park. Assiniboine park?

7:13 I saw someone holding out a bone with meat on it, like someone had been eating from it but was done.

7:19 I saw a large bin that had a bit of grass in it that someone had tipped over and was scraping the last bit of grass out. 

7:27 I saw some clusters of yellow that could have been hanging on the ceiling, I’m not sure.

7:35 “Hero of heaven has conquered the grave. Has freed every captive and brake am every chain oh God, You have done great things.”

7:38 the word “spread” and saw someone taking long socks off that were stretching as they were being pulled off

7:42 Someone came up to someone and said, “oh my goodness,” like something had been difficult to do.

7:48 cards, a vague picture of people playing cards

7:49 “I know you can do it again. Yes and amen, He can do great things. The Hero of heaven has conquered the grave. Has freed every captive and brake every chain oh God, You have done great things.”

7:54 Someone said something about a coating, as they were running to the door to let someone in. The door had a window so I saw someone walking up to the door.

7:58 “food” I saw or was walking on an empty parking lot that had some garbage laying on it like there had been an event.

8:02 Someone went out of the door that people use to bring bikes in and out. I vaguely heard a sound of someone working on metal. I saw a vehicle parked close to that door as I was walking through the doorway that someone was holding open for me.

8:06 I was by the church hallway and there was food being brought out to eat. I vaguely saw muffins on the table and vaguely heard the word, eggs.

9:02/3 I saw a curtain in a doorway, like a bathroom or shower curtain. 

9:18 I dreamt I had been stepping up and was on the second last step before I’d step up onto the floor of a really big building like a museum. The steps and floor were white concrete and the room was really big, bright and spacious.

9:22 There was a girls sleepover at a cabin, seeing one of the bunks with a blanket and heard the girls talking. 

9:24 We were going out of a building. I was holding the door open, waiting for Jesus to come; he was about to come out of his office and we were going to go somewhere together. I had a feeling like it was the end of a work day. Love and Blessings…❤️‍🔥 God/Jesus are my life… please don’t give up on me…