Joy is my Strength!!

“The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him— the Spirit of Wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.”

  Isaiah 11:2


Papa, I love You. I love You Holy Spirit!

I love you My darling. Come, you are Mine.

I worship You Papa with all my heart. Help me to follow You tomorrow when I know I’ll need to hear Your voice.

I am with you always My dear one.

I ask for Your wisdom, understanding and discernment as I seek to follow You. Holy Spirit, is there a word I need to hear?

My daughter, all is well with you. Rest, you are Mine.

Holy Spirit, I feel like I’m going to need to face a big giant tomorrow. Help me to stand firm with resolve, staying at rest in You.

The joy of the Lord is your strength.

Thank-You Holy Spirit. You are so great, and Your love endures forever! 


Hello and welcome to my journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

11:.. I saw a car that was tilted, unbalanced. (Yesterday I didn’t spend time in the Bible, doing other things. I know it’s important so I will make this a daily habit. In another scene my friend and I were walking down a dark alley; she was walking me home. Then I thought, who would walk her home? I heard behind us, guys who had come out to drink. 

A scene where I was pretending to be a doll and a young boy was believing it. I was pretending to be lifeless (he lifted my “lifeless” arm (could this mean that I’m trying not to follow Jesus in my own strength? I’m going to press into the Lord more about this), and he kissed my lips. I needed to quickly close my mouth. Then later I was teasing him for believing it and I kissed his head. He looked at me with a bit of a smile and didn’t say anything. Anyway, in my prayer time I sensed that I was going to face Jesus’ strictness again. The last dream I wrote about in todays post I’m sensing that I need to copy Jesus, pressing into Him to follow him. I’m just going to be honest and say that yes, Jesus has asked me to follow because He’s testing my obedience. As I was thinking about what happened on Friday over the weekend, I thought that maybe I was supposed to join the game in the gym, and that I was supposed to ask because I felt led to (my dream about following someone outside to do an activity). 

12:04 “Let faith arise”

3:59 I woke up and then I heard the word “come” in my heart very clearly, so after a few breaths I got up and came. I had some dreams; hopefully I’ll remember them.

5:24 I had a vision that I was in the sanctuary, right in front of someone, maybe the pastor or Jesus, and I had the honour of being able to have their complete attention, like I had them all to myself. It was like the sanctuary had been full of people but now they had all disappeared, even the chairs. The whole room was empty and I was standing before Jesus. There was a Holy feeling, and I sense that I was smiling.

5:39 I think I had just started to fall asleep when I saw in a dream, a door that was wide open, and I saw that inside the door was shining bright yellow, like a bright light was on. The door was a bit small, like it was across an open space. 

Holy Spirit, what does the vision about the sanctuary represent?

I heard the word, “clean.” Is there anything more Holy Spirit? 

5:47 Believe

5:55 In a vision I heard something about “I wish something was revealed to you.” (These words weren’t clear, so I’m hoping I got it right.) I also saw someone begin taking a cover off of a couch, sensing it was the couch we sit on at church. I saw the colour green; the couch or the cover.

6:07 In a vision I saw someone in a room, like a changing room, taking a light blue gown, sensing it had been hanging on a hanger there. I also saw a part of a white dress with a pink (and other colours) flower design on it.

6:18 I had a vision of seeing a truck with a big white water tank on it. Vaguely seeing it park on a parking lot that had trees in the background. 

6:24 In a vision I saw a wooden gate that had a handle on the side, being closed, but as soon as it was shut, the other side of the same door opened, like the door had a handle on both sides. opening the door from the other side. 

6:30 In a vision I saw the colour orange and the pudgy legs of a baby.

6:32 In a vision I saw a green sleeping bag with red material in the inside.

6:34 I heard in my heart, “I’ve been waiting for you to come back” the emphasis was on, “come back.”

6:44 I had fallen asleep and I heard, “behave yourself.”

6:55 In this dream I was writing a word on the top of a woman’s foot, and the word “beautiful” on her big toe. Before waking up I was positioning her foot so that I could write it in a way that she would read it every time she’d look at her foot (right side up, not upside down), and big enough so she would see it (right across the middle of her toe). I always try and hide my feet because of my toes:) 

7:16 In my dream I saw a big circle with a hole in the middle. I think the circle was turning. The circle was wide, going counter clockwise.

7:21 “Pray in tongues.” I heard in a dream.

7:33 “okay it goes like this” and  “a girl was sponsoring..”

7:36 “adhere” (listen)

8:02 I was in a room full of people who were sitting in their chair; they were the audience, waiting to watch a competition which was about to start. At first I was standing at the front with my back against the wall (facing the audience.) There was a long window there. I was noticing my shadow on the wall on the other side of the room. I was noticing a person on my right and their shadow (following like a shadow?). Then that person had come closer on my right side and had turned around to face the window (and me) and was beginning to dance. Then a person on my left side started to dance(also facing the window), and then I said something like “it didn’t take much” for me to join them, and I stepped in, turned around to also face the window, and began to dance. Our dance was a synchronized dance that we had practiced the night before, but I couldn’t remember it so I was copying the person on my left. The first move was a one arm circle (right arm), counter clockwise, then with the same arm push to the left two times with the fingers pointing straight out (I vaguely remember two fingers like the peace sign). Then a few moves were added from what we had practiced, and as I was copying the person, I remembered them. I’m sensing I need to do what I sense Jesus is doing.

Then the scene changed where a woman had an opened book in front of her and she had written some notes on toilet paper to remember some of the things she had read. It looked like she was a bit nervous or flustered, saying that she needed to write every word she wanted to remember or be specific about her notes, kind of looking down on herself about needing to be specific in order to remember. I said quietly that it’s okay, and that I do the same thing. There was a little girl who was with her, sitting beside her on her left, looking at what she was doing. I was on her right (my left). I’m taking notes and will be bringing them along so I don’t forget anything.

As I was sitting at my desk yesterday I noticed one of the books on my desk, Feeler, by James Goll, reminding me of my dream where I heard the name James (Discovering How Sensitivity Helps You Discern And Act On Gods Voice). This is my sisters book, one that I’ve been meaning to read. Im going to start reading it today. I’m in the last chapter of my marriage book, which I’ll try and finish today. I’m going to begin listening to worship music in the car all the time, and at home…I’m volunteering for Life Links on Thursday, helping with lunch and then I get to go to any of the sessions, yay! So I’m coming in the morning. I haven’t looked at all the available sessions yet… Friday morning/ early afternoon Connie and I are going for breakfast and coffee. Blessings and love…