Softening my Heart

My Father, I know you’re giving me an upgrade; you’re bringing me higher and deeper into your heart.

I am.

Holy Spirit I pray that you’ll help me not to try and figure it out on my own, but follow your lead because this will take me home. I dreamt not too long ago that I had climbed back onto the stands, which makes me a spectator rather than a participant in the race. I know what this means. I also know you’re softening my heart from being on guard all the time, and I think I need to lay this down. Father, the word “control” came to mind. Help me to process this. Holy Spirit, please show me more about this word and how it applies to me. 

I sensed you saying the words “you’re in control.” What comes to mind about this is that I’m free to follow you because I’m not bound. 

That’s right Caroline. Come follow me and I will give you rest. 

Father, it’s up to me to follow you or not. I will follow you in this difficult thing you’re leading me to do. Please continue your work in my heart as I follow you. Help me to keep my eyes on you and hold your steady gaze.

I will help you Caroline.

Father, is there more about this word you want me to know? I have a sense that you’re telling me that I’ve been keeping people at a distance in order to maintain control of my emotions. I know this is true. 

Why do you do this? What are you afraid of?

Dad, I don’t know. Please help me understand.

You’re uncomfortable with intimacy my daughter. 

Father, I know this is true. I don’t know what to do with it. 

You don’t need to do anything with it my daughter, just enjoy it, embrace it and give it in return. This is how bridges are built and maintained. 

Father, I’ve had difficulty knowing how to receive love. I don’t understand how someone can love me..I’m not feeling sorry for myself when I say this. I really don’t know how to receive it; I don’t know how to process this. I’m sensing that this is a dark area of my heart that you need to shine your light in. Please do this Holy Spirit because you are love and I need to walk deeper in. Help me!

Caroline, you’re right in what you’ve said. You’re right. I will shine my light into your heart and fill your heart with my love. This will give you strength to follow me. Caroline, I love you; receive my love for you. 

Father, yesterday in our conversation I felt your nearness, like you were messaging my heart, making it more pliable -warming it up. Thank you that you know me so well and that your patient love keeps working in my heart. I think I’m going to feel more valuable because of your life that you breathe in me as you pour your love into my heart. I already sense a change, and I do receive your love for me. Help me embrace all you have for me in a deeper way. I want to be changed by you. I love you Lord!

My daughter, I love you very much. There’s joy in heaven because of the progress you’ve made today. 

Father, I really sense your joy; I sense it in my heart. Your joy is mine too Lord -I’m so thankful for you Father. You truly set people free from darkness and bring them into the light. You truly are my Saviour and have rescued me today. I praise and worship you, my Dad!